• BUDHI MUDRA is part of my energy that supports my inner journey, which begins with physical training.

  • The BUDHI MUDRA that I train in helps me hide in any movement that is BUDHI MUDRA.

  • The soft material and just the right amount of stretch makes it feel like a part of my body.

  • I don't really like tight clothing, or gloves or socks that wrap around my hands and feet.
    I feel like the tightness tears away my nerve connection that's why.

    I even wear sandals without socks in the middle of winter.

  • Before I discovered BUDHI MUDRA,
    the tight leggings and tops I wore kept me tense all day.

    I think that's what caused my indigestion and short thoracic breathing.

    BUDHI MUDRA helped me to release these tensions and connect my outer and inner energies.

  • A bra top that supports Kyana's training
    ‘One-tone rib bra top’ / Blue pants ‘Fortune pants’ / A light, oversized linen shirt ‘Linen oversized button up shirt’

What’s your Budhi Mudra

BUDHI MUDRA is one of a way of expressing one’s personality and values.
What does BUDHI MUDRA mean to you?

It's like a part of my body.


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